When Republicans Blame the Dems for Fannie Mae.....
Here's what you need to say. First of all this is the meme they are using. On every talk show the republican spinster will blame poor people for taking out these loans. What this does is cover the...
View ArticleBill Black Says 40% Accounting Fraud in Mortgages
Right now on c-span they are having a discussion about banking regulation and agriculture. Finally they are asking about banking accounting fraud and the fact that no one has been able to investigate...
View ArticleGMAC: Wants You and I to Help Them Screw You and Me Some More
I have written a series of diaries on predatory lending. Few people seem to be a aware that GMAC owns a subsidiary called Homecomings Financial. Homecomings Financial is one of the most notorious and...
View ArticleGMAC Wants Us to Screw Ourselves. Don't Let Obama Help Them Do It.
I have written a series of diaries on predatory lending. I published this yesterday, but since the news is barely covering this I think it's important that people understand that GMAC is currently in...
View ArticleCanary in the Coal Mine Died: Lost Homes, Mortgage Fraud
I continue to diary the plight of many homeowners who had sub prime lenders who violated TILA and FDIC laws. I have had some wonderful offers to help, but haven't made calls yet. It's hard to know what...
View ArticleMy Husband Went Back To His Union Job Today
Today, I am celebrating. My husband is a union electrician. He's one of those guys who can fix cars, furnaces, anything that needs fixing. He loves chasing down a problem and figuring out. He talks and...
View ArticleWhat Does Peace Mean to You?
Contemplating the concept of world peace today, which has been one of my greatest interests since I was a little girl. I can remember my neighbors, a family of 8, all girls and one boy, running out of...
View ArticleWhat Is The Definition Of Peace?
Contemplating the definition of world peace today, which has been one of my greatest interests since I was a little girl. One thing that confounds me is how we can possibly pursue it if we don't have a...
View ArticlePlease Read my Story...Don't Ignore the Truth About Lending Fraud And The...
So here's the deal. The banking industry spent 83 million (probably our bailout money, our tax dollars)to strong arm congress and Obama to remove the provision in the stimulus bill that would allow...
View ArticleGMAC Debt Means No Recourse For Victims of Mortgage Fraud
I guess I am going to keep writing about this until people seem to understand the true problems behind the housing crises. When I read the articles, my sense is that very few people really understand...
View ArticleFinally: Feds Report Large Scale Fraud in Mortgages.
See, I have been waiting for this. So have many Americans who lost their homes to the criminals who were just bailed out of financial ruin. The rage has not been touched nor the social issue behind it,...
View ArticleNote to Santelli: Banking and Accounting Fraud CAUSE Foreclosures
No one mentions the fraud. Yesterday I listened to Obama's speech waiting to hear the words that would show me that this administration understands the large scale fraud and law violations behind the...
View ArticleWe Are Victims Of Fraud: Not Losers
Finally the story is coming to the surface that there has been a massive fraud scheme perpetrated against the American people by the finance industry. The story continuing to get the most play this...
View ArticleThe Silence On Mortgage And Accounting Fraud: Deafening.
I just finished the rounds of watching Sunday morning pundit t.v. Again, one republican after another bashed homeowners in needs of stimulus help, and not one word was said about mortgage and...
View ArticleAre We Ready To Face The FRAUD?
"Secretaries Paulson and Geithner subverted the PCA law by allowing failed banks to engage in massive accounting fraud (which also means they are engaged in securities...
View ArticleOur Economy: MASSIVE FRAUD By Mortgage Industry.
This has been written about over and over again, but after reading the comments on the latest article up at Huffington Post by William K Black,(a former banking regulator, whistle blower and analyst)...
View ArticleControl Fraud: Obama's Ticking Time Bomb
During Obama's speech last night he referred to the idea that dealing with the financial sector, specifically AIG, is kind of like dealing with someone who has a bomb strapped to their chest. He said...
View ArticleNot ONE mother (if you seek kay in) Word!!
--Libertarians should have to answer to how free markets lead us to such a fiasco in the housing industry. I haven't heard one yet, not in any of the libertarian economics blogs, have you?...
View ArticleSurvived Bush: CANNOT AFFORD THIS BILL.
So here's my story. I think it's a story like lots of other folks. My family suffered horribly during the Bush years. Unemployment, health problems, health care debt, foreclosure, chapter 13...
View ArticleObama's Sub Prime Mortgage Betrayal: Battle Weary Americans
Could the Obama Administration throw us poor middle class Americans who have been almost destroyed by the corruption of the Bush years, just one bone?? One? No, it appears not. I have a predatory...
View Article"The Banks are the Victims"
Well, at least that is what one fellow member of the Kos community tried to tell me when I shared about my experiences with the sub prime market. I sugggested that the sub prime mortgage situation and...
View ArticleClinton Was Better Than Obama ; )
That's a judgment, by the way, and a blatant attempt to engage you in the art of practicing a nonjudgmental stance. Lately, I have observed more than a few diaries, and posts that contain judgments...
View ArticleJudgments suck
So last week, I did a diary on how emotions, judgments, and biases are linked. My point was that we tend to pay attention to messages that validate our emotions, and ignore messages that might provide...
View ArticleWe Can't Change What We Don't Accept.
This diary is not about blame. It is not about scapegoating. This diary is an attempt to share real problems faced on a daily basis for many Americans. The point is to assess, how these real problems...
View ArticleGMAC: Still Stealing Homes.
The Huffington Post has a series of articles about the status of the finance industry. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ There is also a great diary on Daily Kos highlighting the problem created from the...
View ArticleThe Role of Trauma In Israeli Palestinian Conflict
As a mental health therapist, who has spent most of her life working with traumatized people, it seems a plausible that the dominate culture for both Israel and Palestine is more trauma than anything...
View ArticleI want to be on the rec list too!! My pro Obama Diary
Having cruised this blog and several others, it appears that there is a secret to making the rec list. It has become apparent to me, after studying the rec list history that writing a diary about...
View ArticleTodays economy and a father who would not give up.
Today is father’s day. A day when we think about what it means to be a dad. A day when we reflect on how our lives have been impacted by our fathers. A day when we recognize what an important...
View ArticleProtests songs for the march
I was about probably about 7 or 8 years old, when it happened. One of my most vivid memories, the one that probably gave me the passion to make peace my mission in life and feeds my purpose today was...
View ArticleMen in Suits
I wrote this peice last winter. It is a real account of my husband's struggles as a blue collar electrician. Since I wrote this, my husband has been laid off, since about March 2011. This month, is our...
View ArticleWhen a Football Coach Does the Right Thing.
With all the talk about Joe Paterno, and all the stories of childhood sexual trauma being shared on this board and others, it seems a good time to tell a different story. I wanted to share a story...
View ArticleLet's Try a Dialectical Approach to Obama
Right now on on this web site there are at least two Obama diaries at odds with each other. One skewers Obama, and the other piles on the admiration. The comments on each are a fury of emotions. Twenty...
View ArticleYou wrote one for your father....
"You wrote one for your father, but no one has written anything about me". There it was, guilt. The guilt that only a mother can bring. So this morning I was laying in bed with just one eye open...
View ArticleHis Job is "Dad"
Today I would like to make a father's day tribute to my unemployed blue collar man. Most folks don't realize that many blue collar guys have been forced to take up the slack in the parenting arena...
View ArticleSandusky, Penn State and Us
Where does the self doubt, that was exploited by Sandusky come from? While we are busy finding monsters in the Sandusky Penn State scandal, the purpose of this diary is to expose a facet of humanity,...
View ArticleMy 15 year old on War, Greed and sociopathy
My daughter was assigned to write a peice on "This I believe..." The following is the outcome of that assignment. While we are raising children we can never really be sure of what they pick up and...
View ArticleThe Island
If you are interested in filling your heart with peace and love, more than you are interested in being "right" this year during the holidays, follow me over the fold for a discussion about the metaphor...
View ArticleUnion Safety: My Electrician Husband Almost Died
Two days ago, my husband began to work on a transformer that was carrying 480 v of electricity. It was supposed to be "locked off" and not "hot". As he put it, "for the first time in 22 years I almost...
View ArticleThe Blue Collar Life
Blue collar workers know things about the country by the very nature of the fact that they are building it. In commemoration of Labor day, it's time for a check in with "the blue collar life". There...
View ArticlePhil Robertson and preventing family war on Christmas eve
Can't get it out of my head. Phil Robertson. I was invited to my sister in laws house for Christmas eve. We have been trying to mend fences after a flap on face book over the ACA. My brother is gay,...
View ArticleAnatomy of a suicide attempt and HOPE.
I have depression. I've even attempted suicide once. It wasn't what I expected in the slightest. It was far more terrifying. The scariest part wasn't that I could've died though. It was that I...
View ArticleBrilliant interview: O'Donnell and Dershowitz
Sitting at home, end of day, watching msnbc. O'Donnell comes on, and I am reading off my I pad and listening with one ear. It's the end of the show and O'Donnell begins an interview about the sexual...
View ArticleTrumping Violence: the mechanism and consequences of power and control.
The recipe for creating a DONALD, and his followers is quite simple. The problem is that one of the ingredients is something akin to the memory removal tool used in the movie “Men in Black”. We need to...
View ArticleDid Trump just say "Thank you Baby" as Kelly Ann left stage??
I originally posted this, late inaugural eve. In light of the false Bee movie plagiarism diary, may I re-post about something Trump truly did? I am still surprised that so little has been said about...
View ArticleBrain Wash. The mechanism is invalidation.
The most dangerous feature of power and control is how it strips you of truth. It eventually causes people to doubt their own perception. The central feature of power and control is an attempt to...
View ArticleA cornered, desperate sociopath...is a danger to self and others...
With 26 years working in mental health care, let me say, I feel I have a duty to warn all Americans. No Trump is not my client, nor has he told me his secrets. I would , instead say, that I am...
View ArticleWe’re rich! We’re rich! We are rich!!
Sitting on my couch trying to figure out how I will pay for the wood floors I just ordered, (finally after 3 years of plywood in my kitchen.) I have to get the wood floors, have to refinance, have to...
View ArticleWe’ve seen the enemy and it is us! A story about gang rape in a small town.
I always ponder whether to share. I am not interested in sympathy and my sisters here know exactly what I mean by that. I feel compelled because of the nature of my story. So Democrat in the south has...
View ArticleImagine the best sexual experience you’ve ever had. (An empathy exercise)
So there is an exercise I’d love to do with the members of congress to help them understand why people don’t report sexual abuse and sexual assault. As a survivor (read my story here) www.dailykos.com/...
View ArticleMake me a channel of your peace....For Democracy’s sake!
If I were therapist for the troubled marriage between Democrats and Republicans, here is how I would frame the treatment plan. It’s a dysfunctional relationship. One that most marriages have to contend...
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